Who I am and Why I code.

I am a Results-driven software engineer with a passion for developing innovative solutions. With a solid foundation in computer science and extensive experience in full-stack web development, I am dedicated to crafting robust and scalable software applications. I thrive in collaborative environments and excel at analyzing complex problems to deliver high-quality code. Committed to continuous learning and staying abreast of emerging technologies, I am driven to contribute my expertise and drive impactful projects that enhance user experiences and drive business growth.


Software Engineer Summer Internship

During my internship, I learned the importance of effective communication and collaboration within a team. Clear and open communication, along with active listening and constructive feedback, proved essential for successful project execution and a positive work environment.

Automated Job Application System

Using Jade and Node, I developed a robust application hosted on AWS that streamlined the mundane task of manually copying applicant data from emails to a datastore. This project provided invaluable insights into storing persistent data and honed my skills in developing full-stack applications by leveraging the powerful capabilities of AWS.

Safe Count System

Using Jade, Node, and Mongo, I developed an automated solution that eliminated manual data entry for tracking and storing monetary information from a restaurant's money safe. This project encompassed encrypting user data and implementing secure session and token management.

Linked List Implementation

To enhance my proficiency in Data Structures as taught in Computer Science, I undertook the task of recreating a Linked List using Typescript, diverging from my previous experience with C++, in order to gain hands-on practice and further strengthen my skills.

My Skills


Technology - Knowledge Level


  • HTML/CSS(SCSS)/JS/TS - Proficient
  • React with Typescript - Proficient
  • Testing (Jest/React-Testing-Library) - Proficient

Tool Familiarity

  • Gradle
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • Git
  • Rollup
  • Github
  • Figma
  • Jira

Education: A.S. in Computer Science

Let's talk.